The best advice my mum gave me…

We threw the question out to our Facebook community: 

“The best advice my mum gave me was…”

We were astounded by the response – these guys certainly have some wise mummas! The answer that came up the most frequently was “treat others the way you want to be treated”, which is one of our favs. However, there are so many other gems here that are too good not to share, so here’s the list! 

Challenge: Pick and follow a different piece of advice from the below list everyday this week and see what happens:-)

  1. This too will pass
  2. Treat others the way you wanted to be treated.
  3. Don’t rely on a man
  4. To not sit back and wait for adventure to come to you. Make it, seek it out and treasure every moment of it.
  5. To be grateful for the good things in your life because there are so many less fortunate.
  6. Love the skin ur in – embrace each day and dance like no one is watching. 
  7. You should treat others how you want to be treated. 
  8. What energy you put it is what you will receive back, be positive. 
  9. Never look a gift horse in the mouth : always be grateful. 
  10. Nothing stays the same, be it good or bad xo
  11. Aon’t judge a book by its cover, it’s been good advice and helped me through life
  12. Always do your best whatever you’re doing.
  13. Always wear clean knickers 😀
  14. Always tell the truth, be true to yourself, don’t dwell on the past and work hard for what you want.  
  15. Be yourself & don’t care what other say u need to love yourself before other can love u
  16. Smile at people it makes them feel nice and you feel nice
  17. Never take anything for granted because we only live once
  18. Watch the world through my sons eyes. Life is so much more fun when you do that.
  19. Never to judge another mother – especially before you have your own kids.
  20. Don’t spend your money, spend someone else’s.
  21. Always listen to her advice! 
  22. Never marry someone you can’t live without, marry someone you can move with”. Best advice ever! And so true! Lucky I followed it 
  23. What others think of you is none of our business. 
  24. Nobody is better than me, and I’m not better than anyone else. 
  25. Let my belief in myself be bigger than my fears. (it’s always been wonderful to know she believes in me too).
  26. Learn how to cook, she would say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  27. Trust your instincts
  28. It’s ok to cry, its ok to be scared. It’s ok to ask for help. And to smile, laugh, love and BREATHE. 
  29. If you are going to do a job then do it well. 
  30. Be kind to everyone
  31. Love yourself before you can love someone else
  32. Soap is cheap. There’s no excuse for being dirty.
  33. I’ve learnt to have personal pride while always adhering to my ethics and morals
  34. Never judge a book by it’s cover and always treat people as you want to be treated. 
  35. Never bully but always stand up for people are being bullied. 
  36. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all!
  37. Never give up, and keep trying for what you want in life. 
  38. Treat EVERYONE with respect because they may be fighting a battle you know nothing about. 
  39. You can’t get respect until you give it first
  40. Never go to bed angry, you wont be able to sleep and you’ll be even crankier the next day
  41. Go anywhere but always take your brains with you
  42. When life gives you lemons it’s upto to make them sweet
  43. Be strong and confident and follow your heart if you have to stop and think you are on the wrong path.
  44. Always make sure you have money on you to get yourself home safely!
  45. Study hard and relax later.
  46. If something ain’t broke don’t try to fix it
  47. Always wear clean knickers
  48. Every cent counts, make sure your compare before purchase…thus making me the bargain queen today
  49. Treat elders with respect
  50. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
  51. Think before I speak. It’s served me well
  52. Be yourself. Life is too short to spend time trying to be someone you’re not.
  53. Cook from the heart! – I am now a chef:-)
  54. To always be right and yourself
  55. Always stay true to yourself
  56. Live each day to its fullest for tomorrow is not promised 
  57. Live my best life
  58. Never get a credit card
  59. Not to smoke
  60. Always rely on God
  61. To not hold onto the past
  62. Everyone has a story
  63. Always eat you’re veggies
  64. Learn from my mistakes
  65. Take one day at a time
  66. Learn how to cook
  67. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can
  68. Theres only one of me. Be you.
  69. Walk tall, be kind and also be fearless
  70. Just be myself
  71. A cup of tea and chat makes things always seem a little better
  72. Never spend money that I don’t have, if you don’t have the money then don’t buy it. 
  73. Be kind to others 
  74. Know what you want and stay true to that. 
  75. ‘Leave that f**kwit!’. Thanks Mum xx

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