I was still pregnant when I experienced what I would call my ‘first’ Mother’s Day. Even though I wasn’t technically a mum, my role of mum had started many months before.
Mother’s Day had always being about my mum, stepmum, and mum-in-law, so it felt weird to think of myself as a mum. But for the first time in my life, I received a glimpse of what Mother’s Day as a mum is like. Little did I know that every year would be different as your children grow and reach new developmental milestones.
For the first few years, my wonderful husband would write a card on behalf of my children. However, that all changed once they could hold a pen. So far I have collected eight beautiful Mother’s Day cards, each very different from the previous year – from scribbled pictures to heartening messages of love.
Even if you don’t usually buy a gift for Mother’s Day, don’t overlook a card. Take it from me – mums treasure every single one. Here are some of our favourites.

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