“The best thing my mum taught me was to love myself and look after myself because the first health is wealth. This includes everything from physical, emotional and mental well-being. This mantra inspired me to start my own business Treat ‘Em – Healthy Dessert Boxes delivered across Sydney because transitioning to healthy can be hard, and I wanted to bring a guilt-free alternative that was both delicious and nutritious. Treat ‘Ems purpose is to provide a healthier alternative in a convenient, fun and delicious way. Without my mum, I never would’ve understood the importance of health or be so passionate about it, and her support gives me strength and confidence to take this mantra to everyone else. That’s why we are a little bit different from other businesses. We have different collections to spoil both others important to you, as well as yourself, because self-love is just as important.”
– Venus Sun, founder of Treat Em’

Learn more at www.treatem.com.au and follow their journey thus far @treat.em.
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