The best thing about winter is…spending time inside with loved ones

“The best thing about winter is spending it indoors with your partner. What I love about the winter time is that it is the perfect cuddle weather. It’s that overall cozy feeling of sitting by the fireplace with that special person, with some good wine and great conversations.” – Jack Wang.

Jack Wang is the CEO of Amazing Beauty Hair, specialists of hair extension products.

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My Favourite Quote: Anna Fani, The Writer Entrepreneur

My favorite quote is by H. Jackson Brown Jr. from his book P.S. I Love You:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

This quote has always inspired me to leave my comfort zone and challenge myself to seek the things I want out of life. Every time something looks too big or too scary, I remember I’d rather do it and not succeed than not do it and spend the rest of my life wondering what would have happened if I’d dared to leap. It’s a personal challenge to be the best in everything I put my mind to and never come up with excuses to get in my own way.

Anna Fani is the founder of The Writer Entrepreneur, a self-empowerment destination for intending solopreneurs, freelancers, and dreamers with an action plan. You can find out more at

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GIFT TIP: Give a gift that solves a problem

Problems. We all have ’em. But imagine if the next gift you received from someone solved one of these problems – brilliant!

When giving gifts, try to imagine the pain-points in your recipient’s life, such as time, money, or something that needs to be fixed. Think of gifts that will improve their quality of life, such as the services of a handyman for a few hours to fix those niggling jobs, a cleaner, babysitting, or pet-sitting/dog walking.

If they are experiencing pain book them a session with a chiro, physio, or masseuse.

Perhaps they want to learn a new skill, so buy them a book to improve their knowledge, or a voucher for a training course. The options are endless.

The key is TAKING NOTICE of their life and identifying their pain points. Happy gifting!

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GIFT TIP: Be a gracious gift recipient

If you’re on the receiving end of a gift, there are some simple things you can do to make your gift-giver’s life easier (and ensure you stay on their gift list):

1. Don’t be that person who says “I don’t want/need anything.” No one likes that person. And this is possibly the most unhelpful statement known to man. Be helpful and offer some suggestions, or at least give them some hint…”I drink beer” or “I like plants” is a much more acceptable answer.

2. Tell them what you want
If there’s something specific that you want, that’s not too expensive, let them know. It will save them a bunch of time shopping around for something you don’t want, and you’ll get something you want! WIN WIN!

3. Be grateful.
Always. No matter what you receive, receive it graciously with a smile. No one likes to feel like they picked the wrong gift. At the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts.

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Father’s Day Gift Guide

We have gifts for every dad this Father’s Day,  Sunday 6th September.
Every dad is different. Some dads love getting outdoors in the garden or playing sport, others prefer relaxing with a beer or a book (or both!). Mr Gift has gifts to suit every dad.
We’re also offering a $20 DISCOUNT on all orders from now until midnight,
Sunday 6/9/20.  

Use Discount Code DAD in the Discount Code field when you place your order.  

This offer can’t be used in conjunction with other offers, or redeemed for cash. But please feel free to share with family and friends:-)

Here are a few of our favourite gift ideas for dads

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The best thing my dad taught me: Jarrod Partridge

It’s that time of the year again when we share one of our favourite blog series, The Best Thing My Dad Taught Me. We have a heartening line-up of posts that will give anyone the warm and fuzzies. Jarrod Partridge kicks off the series in our first post:

“The best thing my dad taught me was… if you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves. This was handed down to my dad from his dad, who lived through The Great Depression, and it has served three generations very well! Although now we look after the cents so the dollars look after themselves, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well ;-)”

Jarrod Partridge is Chief Guru at Idea Guru and Founder of F1 Chronicle.

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My Favourite Quote: Petra Laranjo, author

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

Why this quote resonates with me: I tattooed this quote on my ribs a year before my husband and I were brutally attacked in our home, after three armed men broke in.

I’d connected with this quote (by Reinhold Niebuhr) many years back when I was a teenager. It has brought me a lot of calm since then and has been gentle reminder to breathe through situations that aren’t in my control.

That said, over the years I developed the courage to not only change the things I can but also to change the things I cannot accept – things like animal neglect, abuse and overpopulation – so I’m going to have to add that onto my tattoo 😉

It’s a cheeky response to my original ink but a great symbol for how, when I connected with my purpose to make a positive difference in the lives of others – human, animal and our planet – I began to actively use my voice for the voiceless and stepped into my potential for impact!

I’ve since founded a social impact and non-profit platform JustOneThing365 NPC which inspires and helps people to do just one thing, 365 days a year, to make a difference, no matter how seemingly small. I may have to tattoo that as well now.

The work I do is grounded in my purpose and has helped me to be brave, resilient and live an authentic, fulfilled and inspired life of impact.

“We can set all the goals we want and have a great vision, but without purpose, those goals (big or small) are destined to fail.” That’s an excerpt from my book and, although it’s my quote, it really has changed my life and the way I live it.

So here’s to each of us living purposeful lives of impact – lives that truly inspire us and support us in making a meaningful difference.

Petra Laranjo, author of Living On Purpose. The Key To Change Your Life And Impact Others is driven to inspire and help you discover, connect and align your purpose, values, self-worth and daily habits so that you can show up fully in your life and impact others.
Learn more at

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My Favourite Quote: Marguerita Maria Cheng, Blue Ocean Global Wealth

“So many people spend their health to gain wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health” – A.J. Reb Materi

This is so important for me personally and professionally. I developed asthma as a result of childhood complications from pneumonia. My asthma was not formally diagnosed until I was 15. I know I have to work hard to stay healthy. I’m a CFP certified financial planner. My clients know that we focus on their health, wealth, time & community (friends/family/loved ones).

Marguerita coaches girls and women and run to raise money for philanthropic causes.

The photo is of Marguerita Maria Cheng at the MarineCorpsMarathon Expo.

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My Favourite Quote: David Kosloski, Cachi Life

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” – Pablo Picasso

To me this quote tells me so much. It explains that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel but you also shouldn’t make the same wheel. It showcases how the best artists are the ones that take the norm and make it better for everyone. An innovator, a leader, and a visionary.

David Kosloski is the owner of Cachi Life. An organization changing the way people travel through sustainable tourism.

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The best thing about winter is…working in the garden

It’s around this time of the year we start to long for longer, warmer days, and generally more sunshine. When it feels like the end of winter can’t come quick enough, this is the time to take stock and make the most of where we’re at. We put the question: What’s the best thing about winter out there, and received some great responses. We particularly loved this one from Elle Meager, founder of Outdoor Happens:

“The best thing about winter is working in the garden without being burned alive! Winter’s my favourite time for labour-intensive tasks like mulching and digging new gardens. During the day in winter, it’s the perfect temperature here in North Queensland.”

Elle Meager is the founder of Outdoor Happens, Permaculture Designer, and Sustainable Living Consultant.

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