My Favourite Quote: Jared Carrizales,

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” 
Mark Batterson

“I’m lucky enough to do business with my partner in life, and I often think about this quote in our relationship when we sometimes struggle or argue. We were so close to not even having a relationship (or a business!) but because of the strength that her and I both have, we are able to work through problems that sometimes sneak up on both fronts. We have this quote on a magnet on our refrigerator, and it’s a constant reminder to have patience, not react with blunt emotion, and that we make our own future so we better make it good.”

Jared Carrizales is a marketing coordinator for, and founder at Jared has worked with Kari to help spread her message of career growth and networking to audiences around the world. In the meantime, they share adventures wherever they go.

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My Favourite Quote: Beecher Bowers, Shenandoah Websites

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

“This anonymous quote (that’s attributed to many different people) has reminded me that we need to step beyond our comfort zone if we want to achieve our goals. Always push your limits.” – Beecher Bowers. 

Beecher Bowers is the Owner at Shenandoah Websites in Edinburg, Virginia

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My Favourite Quote: Carlita, Travel Blogger at

“The quote which has changed my life is short and concise, ‘work until your idols become your rivals’. Unfortunately the author of this quote is unknown, however the reason it resounds with me so much is because it reminds me every day to work hard until I the people I idolise become my equals. With hard work and persistence, everyone has the potential to reach the greatness of the people they admire.”

Carlita is a travel blogger and photographer based in Australia at

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My Favourite Quote: Lynn Anderton,

“My favourite quote is ‘it takes one to know one’. I don’t know who said this but it was something that was always said by parents and peers in my youth.

It’s very relevant to what I do in my work today as people are too quick to blame or cite failures on others but strangely life is like a mirror and most of the time we have to look towards our own behaviour first and foremost.”

Lynn Anderton helps people lead their own lives by learning to negotiate their relationships with others better. Learn more about Lynn at

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My Favourite Quote: Kate Doyle, Director, FuelBox

“I lived in Singapore for 6 years and decided to return to the UK and set up my own business. I was looking for a tattoo design/word to commemorate my time in Singapore. The National anthem of Singapore is Majulah Singapura (Onward Singapore). The word ‘Majualah’ (onward) so fitting and poignant as I left for a new adventure. I also have ‘Dance like no-one is watching’ tattooed. I lead my life the way I want to.”

Kate Doyle is the Director, FuelBox UK  

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My Favourite Quote: David Black, actor, director, producer and musician.

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” – Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14

“I felt that the first part was about the balance of how much you do for others as opposed to thinking about yourself, but the second part had me perplexed for a long time. I then realised that it was about learning to speak up and asking for what is due to you.” – David Black. 

David Black is an actor, director, producer and musician. 

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My Favourite Quote: Lauren Clemett,

“You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself, any direction you choose.” 
– Dr Suess

“I loved Dr Suess books as a kid (and still do) – something about the rhythm of the rhyme and the lessons in the lyrics. But this quote really connected with me when I began helping people with personal branding because, in an ever increasingly confusing and overwhelming world, I think it’s important to retain your sense of direction.

We are constantly being told we should be on social media, connect on LinkedIn, go networking, write a book, start a blog or a vlog or a podcast…in reality, once you know where you want to go in life, you can choose your own direction instead of listening to what others think you should do.” – Lauren Clemett. 

Lauren Clemett is an international award-winning personal branding consultant and best-selling author. Learn more about Lauren and her business at

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My Favourite Quote: Ron Lee, The Corporate Ninja

“Most of the world’s social problems are caused by people being concerned about what other people think of them. People think about themselves 95% of the time, so if someone REALLY hates you, they have a maximum of 5%. If someone hates you for a characteristic, someone else will like you equally for the same characteristic, so you might as well be yourself.” 
– John Savage

Thanks to Ron Lee from The Corporate Ninja for sharing his favourite quote with us. 

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My Favourite Quote: Solène, Be Beyond Borders

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” 
– Anatole France

“This quote is one I go back to each time I move to a new country. It inspires me to keep going, accept to turn a page and start afresh.” – Solène, Be Beyond Borders

Solène, storyteller and globe-trotter extraordinaire, runs the blog Be Beyond Borders, a fantastic resource for global nomads. She is also the author of Where to Next? a memoir about travelling and living abroad and how that changes one’s perception of where or what ‘home’ actually is.

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My Favourite Quote: Sally Symonds,

“Imagine what you could do if you knew you couldn’t fail.”

“I think this quote is adapted from Robert H Schuller…. I actually found it on a bumper sticker. I lost over 50kg and kept it off for over 15 years! So I lost 45 kg in 33 weeks, kept that off and then lost another 8.5kg after that. In total, I lost over 50% of my original body weight.” – Sally Symonds,

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