Random Acts of Kindness: 10 Ways to Make Someone’s Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day – a day dedicated to showing others little gestures of kindness. Here are 10 little ideas of how you could make someone’s day:

1. Smile at five strangers
2. Say something nice about someone
3. Share your umbrella
4. Bring in your neighbour’s rubbish bins
5. Complain less – be the person you want to be around
6. Leave a book on public transport for someone else to enjoy
7. Pay a compliment – on something nice someone is wearing, or to a waiter/waitress who has given great service
8. Share a positive facebook or blog post
9. Make conversation with someone new – talk to someone you know, but don’t usually speak to at work, etc.
10. Bake – make a cake, some cookies or something tasty for your work colleagues or friends.

What is your favourite way to brighten someone’s day?
We’d love your thoughts – please comment below…

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day

It was a scorching hot Canberra day, and I desperately needed fuel. After pulling into the nearest service station, I filled up, locked the car and went to pay. There was only one problem – I had my toddler and baby in the back seat. 

I hate leaving the kids in the car when I go to pay for fuel (I’m actually pretty sure it’s illegal), and I usually try and fill the car up when they’re not with me. But on this occasion I had to fill up or we wouldn’t get home. The other option was to get them both out of the car and take them in with me, but my baby was asleep. There was already a queue of cars behind me waiting to fill up, so I thought it best if I ran in quickly – the queue inside didn’t look that long. 

Once inside, I regreted my decision. There were only two other people in front of me, but the customer being served was taking an incredibly long time (choosing the chocolates that would give him an additional $5 off his fuel). The middle-aged man in front of me could see I was getting increasingly anxious as I kept looking at my car, hoping both children were ok. When the customer at the front of the line had finished, the man in front of me said “Please jump in front of me – I can see you have two little ones in the car you need to get back to”. 

Normally I hate jumping queues, but on this occasion I gratefully accepted his offer. This small but incredibly kind gesture made my day. Not only had he sensed my tension, he had worked out what the problem was and offered a solution. The only thing it had cost him was time, but that and our health are our most precious resources these days. 

I often find myself going about my day ‘blinkered’. I’m ashamed to say I don’t see the person who has dropped their shopping, or the person behind me in the supermarket queue with only one item (when I have a full trolley). I still think of the kindness this man showed me and it reminds me that we should never take these actions for granted, no matter how small. 

One small act of kindness could just make someone’s day. 

Tuesday 17 February is Random Acts of Kindness Day, so to honour this day we caught up with Karen Chaston from www.karenchaston.com.au, who shares her thoughts on random acts of kindness: 

1. What was the last Random Act of Kindness shown to you? 

Karen: Almost daily, I get a smile, a nod from total strangers, though the other day, I was at a coffee shop waiting and a lady started chatting to me and then said she would like to pay for my green tea. 

2. What was the last Random Act of Kindness you showed someone else? 

Karen: Just this morning I was walking back to my car and a teenage school girl was walking to school with her headphones on. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if she reads. She said sometimes… I then said if it was a book about how you can have higher self-esteem, value yourself, understand your body bio-chemically and physiologically would you read it. She said yes, so I handed her a copy of my book, with a card and asked her to contact me with any feedback or questions 

3. What are the best types of Random Acts of Kindness? 

Karen: When you do something randomly – like give a total stranger a compliment, initially they may be taken back and then they’ll thank you saying ‘Wow you have just made my day, it was not going so well up until now!” 

4. How do you think we can perform Random Acts of Kindness more frequently? What are some simple Random Act of Kindness we can incorporate into our daily life? 

Karen: Smile at a stranger, give them a compliment, ask them how they are feeling, make them laugh, buy them a coffee, give them something, help them out, give a random “heart to heart” hug. 

About Karen: Karen Chaston inspires women to become their own best friend, which allows them to be more aware, grateful, healthier, energised and live in Essence. www.karenchaston.com.au 

What was the last last random act of kindness you showed or received? We’ love your thoughts – please comment below…

Want to create a searchable wish-list? There’s an App for that!

We’re always on the look out for new tips, tricks and tools to help people source gifts for everyone (particularly the men) in their lives. When we can across the Gift Club App, we were pretty excited about its potential to completely change and enhance the way we shop for gifts. We caught up with Gift Club App creator, Kate Schwarz to find out more about the story behind the app…

1. What is the Gift Club App and how did it originate? 

Kate: The Gift Club App is first and foremost a new form of all purpose gift registry for your smartphone.

I am personally not a fan of traditional gift registries but I am sympathetic to the dilemma of modern gifting. We all have too much stuff and there is nothing worse than creating more clutter and landfill not to mention debt, angst and resentment.  

This gave me the idea of having a searchable wish list. Users can add things, preferred charities or intangibles, to their list as they come across them or think of something they would like. Unlike a traditional gift registry, there is no need to send out lists of things you would like to friends and family. You essentially “set and forget”. No one needs to feel pressure or put out that you expect them to give you a particular gift. You aren’t asking anyone for anything, you are just listing the things you would like and it is up to the gift giver whether they want to look up your wish list. 

Image from www.foolishwisdom.com

The group gifting feature allows groups to nominate a gift for a recipient and vote on the preferred nominated gifts. This feature was inspired by trying to coordinate class gifts for the teacher but it could equally apply to workplaces and sporting teams – any time that a group of people want to get a gift for someone. 

Screen-shot of Gift Club App

There is also a Secret Santa allocation feature which allows members of a group to randomly allocate each person to another person within the group so that no one knows who got who.

A very cute ‘old-fashioned’ wish list 
Image from www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wish_list 

2. What are some of your favourite features of the app? Who is the app designed for and how can it assist people with their gift shopping?

Kate: My favourite feature is the searchable wish list. I have learned so much about my friends and family by finding what they are wishing for. It is astonishing sometimes how little is involved in making the people we love feel special.

The App is designed for everyone! Even if you think you want for nothing, you will receive gifts at some time. People will always want to mark special occasions with gifts and so you might as well let people know what you want whether that is a new wallet, home made banoffee pie or a donation to your favourite charity.

Screen-shot from Gift Club App

3. What was it like creating an app? What were the most rewarding and challenging parts of your journey?

Kate: It’s been a steep learning curve! I know nothing about technology and did not even own a smartphone when I came up with the App. My sister thinks it is hilarious because I always said I was yet to hear of a useful App and then I developed one. The most challenging part of the journey has been understanding the programming process. The most rewarding part has been meeting small business owners and learning about innovative and creative products that I can recommend for gifts. 

Screen-shot from Gift Club App

4. What is the best gift you have ever: 
a) given

Kate: One of my friends at Uni had so little money that he went without shoes for a year. He had to walk 6km to Uni every day in bare feet and had to give up most sport. For his 21st, a group of us pooled resources to give him shoes.

b) received

Kate: Apart from my engagement ring, which doesn’t really seem like a present in the traditional sense, a painting by the Brisbane-based artist Starr that my husband gave me for my birthday a few years ago.  

5. What’s next? 

Kate: At the moment I am concentrating on letting people know about the App. It is a unique product so it has been very time consuming introducing it to potential App users.  

Ideally I would love to create my own line of eco gift tags and wrapping materials to complement the App.  

Gifting is an art and we seem to be losing that art at precisely the time in our history when we most need it. Human connection has become so transient. Giving a well presented and considered gift, no matter how small, is an important way of connecting with someone in a multi-sensory way.

How to get it: 

Gift Club is a free App that can be found on iTunes here  and on Google Play hereYou can also find more gift ideas, gift wrap and celebration ideas the Gift Club Facebook page

Why Movember matters to Paul and his team

It’s that time of year where we start to spot more men (than usual) sporting crazy-style moustaches. Movember is now in it’s 12th year, and this year Paul’s Cleaning have joined the movement to help raise funds for men’s health. Here’s the reason they’re doing it, and how they’re going about it…

1. Why did Paul’s decide to get involved in Movember this year and why does the company feel passionate about this cause?

Before we answer this question please consider the following numbers:
• Approximately 170 million years of healthy life are lost due to the four main types of cancer: lung, breast, bowel and prostate;
• 1 in every 7 men is diagnosed with prostate cancer in Australia; 
• There are 20,000 new instances of prostate cancer every year in Australia;
• Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men; 
• Prostate cancer is avoidable and curable if treated early;

It is no secret that Paul’s Cleaning is a customer-oriented company. What we want people to know is that we also care about their health. Our company’s talent is not just in delivering convenient and high quality services, but also in making people’s lives easier and better. It is only natural to join a cause of such significance as Movember.

2. How many team members are participating and what sort of Mo’s are they planning to grow? Do you have before and after pics?

We have around 10 people who have joined already and, funny thing was, that we managed to recruit a lot of Mo’ Sistas. Apparently our female employees embraced the charitable cause and decided to help in other ways by raising awareness and hosting fund-raising parties in their local communities.

As for the moustaches it is a bit too early to say what kind of Mo’s will be grown and everyone is being secretive about his.

3. Do Paul and the team have any strategies/tips they’ll be following to grow a great Mo?

Our most important tip is to grow your Mo’ with love and with the clear idea what you are doing it for. It can literally save lives! 

Hopefully this will be enough of a motivation to help you endure the itching during the first few weeks. Other than that you have to be very patient the first few weeks, the hair on your upper-lip won’t be nearly enough for any styling. When it grows fuller you can start styling. 

As any of our cleaning experts would advise, keep your Mo clean. Simply rinse it in the shower and check it out after each meal. You don’t want any of leftovers on your great Mo. 

You might want to avoid some of these foods and drinks:

  • cappuccino
  • glasses of milk
  • Singapore crab
  • fairy floss
  • toffee apples
  • souvlaki
  • tacos
  • spaghetti carbonara

4. Will Paul’s have a Mo shaving ceremony or celebration at the end of the month when Movember is over? 

We haven’t thought about a Mo shaving ceremony much. Although it sounds like fun, we decided that maybe not everyone will manage to attend. What we will do is have a Mo contest, where the best Mo wins a special prize. Our Mo sistas from the “jury” will judge it.

5. Does the Paul’s team have a goal amount that they would like to raise by the end of the month? How can people get involved and support Paul’s?

We will try to raise as much as we can, but we are not going to be aggressive in our approaches. We hope people join and donate to our team, because they like our Movember concept and approach. Employees, clients, friends and family of the company can help our efforts to raise funds and awareness by donating to our team here.  

Thanks Paul’s! We loved listening to your story (especially about the types of food to avoid;) and wish you and the team all the best in your fundraising efforts. If you’d like to support the Paul’s team, please follow the above link to donate. 

Inspiring Women: Sally Symonds, weight loss coach and author

Sally Symonds is one of Australia’s leading fitness experts: she’s a healthy life mentor, author of several weight loss books and the creator of Love Your Weight Loss, a unique online weight loss coaching system. But 12 years ago, her life was very different…

1. Tell us your story:

I’m from a cattle property in Mackay, and after finishing school and university, where I achieved a BA (Honours) in English Literature, I became a Speech and Drama teacher. I was very good at my job, but my health began to suffer. I worked over 100 hours a week, hated exercise and ate a family-sized block of chocolate every day. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at just 29.

Eventually, I realised something had to give, so I threw out the junk food and started walking my dog instead of paying someone else to do it! Ultimately, I lost over 50 kilos – more than half my body weight – without using any plans or programs.

I genuinely enjoyed the experience, so I wrote a book (50 Steps to Lose 50 kg…And Keep it Off) and took the plunge to change careers, quickly establishing myself as one of Australia’s leading fitness experts according to Good Health magazine. Now, I’m a healthy life mentor who gets to spend every day helping others achieve what I did: healthy, sustainable weight loss.

2. How did you identify the goal/s you wanted to achieve?

Losing weight made me realise that all the stuff we’re fed by the media about weight loss – follow this diet or that 12-week program – just sets you up to fail. I’m living proof that all you need to lose weight and keep it off is the right mindset and motivation!

3. How did you work towards achieving your goal – did you have a plan an d a deadline to achieve your goals?

I don’t believe in setting goals, because I think they limit what you can achieve. I didn’t set any goals when I lost weight, and if I had, I would never have imagined I’d be capable of losing as much as I did. You don’t know what you’re capable of, so why place constraints on yourself?

Sally Symonds, healthy life mentor, author of several weight loss books and the creator of Love Your Weight Loss

4. What was the biggest challenge you encountered along the way?

When I was losing weight myself, walking into a gym for the first time by myself was one of the hardest things I’d ever done: a more anti-exercise, anti-gym person than me you could never have met!

5. What inspires you and keeps you going when you encounter obstacles?

I love that my own weight loss experience has inspired so many others. It’s something that really keeps me motivated and it’s a big part of why I love what I do.

6. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to achieve a goal?

First of all, don’t set a goal! Stay motivated and see just how far you can go. You’ll surprise yourself.

7. What are the next goals you hope to achieve?

I hope to be able to keep inspiring others and helping them achieve their healthy living aims; more importantly, I want to show people that what the media tells them about weight loss (it’s difficult, it’s impossible, it’s tedious) is so far from reality.

Check out Sally’s website for more details: www.sallysymonds.com.au.

Inspiring Women: EJ Love, Intuitive Life Coach

EJ Love has achieved so much in the last year. Not only has she conquered her own personal battles with an eating disorder and damaging relationships, she has also used her experiences to help others…

1. Tell us your story:

One year ago I had a 10-year-long eating disorder, was in and out of abusive or sabotaged relationships, had a sex/swinging addiction, was a smoker and binge drinker. Although on the outside many people thought I had a very exciting and happy lifestyle, on the inside there was a lot of shame and feelings of worthlessness and my confidence on the outside was just a facade. After going through a spiritual awakening a year ago almost to this day I started my healing and self-love journey. I am now an Intuitive Life Coach & Motivational Speaker, Angel Therapist/Psychic, Healer, Charity Event Organiser & Author. Founder of Love Angels Global –
www.facebook.com/LoveAngelsGlobal and the charity Kieron D’Netto Spinal Injury Support & Healing Kieron to Walk Again Project.

2. How did you identify the goal/s you wanted to achieve?
I had always known since I entered the workforce that I wanted to be some sort of Mentor/Coach/Speaker. I’ve always had a passion for helping people and being on stage! Often I felt it was in business that I would help people as I had worked in so many different businesses and helped them grow. But when I went through my own personal transformation I knew that my purpose was to help other women awaken. I call it ‘Awakening the Beautiful Woman Within’. When I get the feedback from my clients that I have inspired them, transformed their lives and touched their hearts that makes me feel so happy and so alive and I know I am living my purpose and achieving my goals as well as helping them achieve theirs!

3. How did you work towards achieving your goal – did you have a plan and a deadline to achieve your goals?
I have to say planning and time management had never been a strong point for me. I was always so up in the air because I am extremely creative and driven and kept taking more and more opportunities on. After taking on a business mentor I really got clear on where I was going and how I was going to achieve it. We focused on keeping myself grounded to make sure I could plan out my time effectively and only take on the opportunities that were in my best interests. Within in a matter of weeks I had set myself up as ‘EJ Love Angel’ and brought my story, skills and expertise together so that I could reach out and help more people.


EJ Love, Intuitive Life Coach & Motivational Speaker, Angel Therapist/Psychic, Healer, Charity Event Organiser & Author. Founder of Love Angels Global – www.facebook.com/LoveAngelsGlobal

4. What was the biggest challenge you encountered along the way?
Distractions and saying ‘No’ to people. I am a real softie and giver and always willing to help others!

5. What inspires you and keeps you going when you encounter obstacles?

I see every obstacle is an opportunity! I reassess what my priorities are and understand that everything happens for a reason. There is a lesson that I can grown from and use as a positive story to help others…Sometimes I do need to take some time out for me and do an hour planning session.

6. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to achieve a goal?
Firstly make sure it aligns with who you are and your purpose. You have to find out what your ‘why’ is and you will know it when it makes you cry! When I got mine I was jumping up and down and crying tears of joy. When you feel this strongly about something you will do everything you can to make it happen. I say to people it’s like that feeling when you fall in love and you just want to do everything you can to be with that person – treat your goal the same way and you will achieve it! When you do achieve it make sure you celebrate it!!

7. What are the next goals you hope to achieve?
My next step is to write a best-selling book about my journey and transformation. I’ll shortly be launching online programs and workshops/retreats and have many other business women who want to partner with me. I feel very blessed to be where I am today… it all starts with self-love and it is absolutely possible for everyone!

Check out EJ’s facebook page, as well as the Love Angels Global website, www.LoveAngelsGlobal.com and Love Angels Global facebook page for more details.

Inspiring Women: Mia McCarthy, founder of Yummia

Mia McCarthy is an excellent example of a woman who started on one pathway (studying BA Dip Ed Primary), but ended up on another after discovering a gap in the market. Mia jumped on the opportunity to fill this gap and embarked on her entrepreneurial journey…

1. Tell us your story:

During my final year of university (age 22, studying BA Dip Ed Primary) I saw a gap in the market for a ready-to-go bircher muesli products available in the retail environment. I then went about testing this concept on family and friends. 

Once I saw there was a gap I started trying to gain some market traction in my local area. From there the company grew to a a small commercial kitchen where all the products were still being made and packed by hand. The response to Yummia was overwhelming and I knew for this product to work we had to transform the manufacturing process to a more scalable model. 

In 2013 I partnered with a large manufacturing factory in Victoria. From here we have been able to achieve a higher quality product, consistence and shelf-life, as well as having the infrastructure to produce large batches at a time and machine pack the product. We are now a supplier for leading retailers such as Woolworths small format stores, as well as independent grocers, cafe’s, restaurants etc. in both the retail and food-service environment.

I’m personally based in Sydney and production is based in Victoria. I travel back and forwards between the two depending where I’m needed. We are in the process of expanding distribution channels both nationally and internationally so at the moment there is a bit of travel involved. 

2. How did you identify the goal/s you wanted to achieve?

I never really sat down and set out any goals, although lots of them have happened incrementally. At first the goal was get the product stocked in a few shops. Once you achieve a goal it’s easier to reach for the next one, so the goals we look to achieve are all in response to current circumstances and opportunities presenting themselves at any given time. It’s much easier to move forwards when you look at the little goals along the way rather than the big picture.  

3. How did you work towards achieving your goal – did you have a plan and a deadline to achieve your goals?  

I work best with lots of little goals, not necessarily one big goal. So different goals will require different a deadline and skill set. Although depending on the goal I’m working on I do need to plan and be organized to work to achieve that. For example at the moment we’re launching two new products. So I need work backwards from launch date. The most important thing with Yummia is shelf life, so once this testing comes through we can then work to the goal of organizing packaging for print, generating new sales, accounting and inventory that is associated with a new product and once this is all planned we can establish a launch date. 

4. What was the biggest challenge you encountered along the way?

There have been so many. One of the biggest was the commercialization process of essentially a hand made product into a factory. I learnt so much during this process – both about product and also personally about problem solving and never giving up to seeking a solution to push forward. It was really testing although luckily we achieved the goal and now have a great product as a result. 

5. What inspires you and keeps you going when you encounter obstacles?

At the moment I don’t want to be doing anything else. I’ve found something I’m really passionate about and love working on a product that is so close to me, so until I lose this drive I’m inspired to make it work.

I also have a bit of a guilt complex about Yummia, there have been so many people who have helped and supported me along the way that I guess I am more afraid of failure and letting others down than I am with achieving success. 

6.  What advice do you have for anyone wanting to achieve a goal?

Never have one ultimate goal. If you have lots of little goals along the way they are easier to achieve and more encouraging to keep going. I try to compartmentalize every aspect at Yummia, so there are lots of different goals to achieve, which keeps it fun and interesting. 

7.  What are the next goals you hope to achieve?

Consolidating business growth and establishing Yummia as a household brand and product that is part of daily or weekly consumer habits. 

Check out www.yummia.com.au for more info on Mia and her brand…

Inspiring Women: Cheryl Daley, author of LIPSTICK & LEADERSHIP

After being made redundant from a senior role last year, Cheryl Daley was forced to rethink the direction of her career. Motivated by her passion for helping others, Cheryl quickly turned a challenging situation into a positive one, and achieved some unexpected goals along the way…

1. Tell us your story:

I currently reside in Brisbane and am the author of soon to be released book LIPSTICK & LEADERSHIP. I was made redundant from a senior executive leadership role in January last year. Having spent over 25 years as a leader in various organisations, all with predominant male work environments, I knew I could help leaders be the best they could be by tapping into their inherent skills and behaviours. I launched leadershipheadquarters.com – it is only through balance that we achieve success. Organisational Development, Team Dynamics and Empowering Women Leaders are my passion.

Image from www.xybodytreatments.com.au

2. How did you identify the goal/s you wanted to achieve? 

I have always liked to help people identify their strengths and leverage those strengths for greater achievement and success. My goal was twofold: on one hand it was about building a business; on the other hand it was refining the process and distilling the information so that I could connect with as many women as possible and help them be A Savvy & Influential Leader, in an authentic and natural way.

3. How did you work towards achieving your goal – did you have a plan and a deadline to achieve your goals? 

It was a priority to get moving – I was unemployed!!! So there was definitely a plan to get on track. It was really about doing a stocktake of what I needed to do and to connect with people who could help me develop and grow. Women are natural connectors and we like the sense of community (one of the great skills we bring to leadership). After I worked out what I needed to do, I then set out about connecting and getting on with the task

Image from www.networlding.com 

4. What was the biggest challenge you encountered along the way? 

Overcoming the feelings of being “dumped”. An unexpected redundancy or change and set back of any type really, makes you stop and think about the value you add and where you can improve or what you have to change. Women are very resourceful and fantastic at coming up with workable concepts (this makes us great with strategy). Reinvention became the way in which to deal with those challenges.

5. What inspires you and keeps you going when you encounter obstacles? 

I know there are women out there who struggle with the glass ceiling, or the guilt of being a working mum, or the frustration with not being recognised for the value we bring to an organisation, and sometimes the anger for not being rewarded for our efforts. While this still exists, I am inspired to keep spreading the word to women on how to do it differently – to get the recognition, success and reward they deserve AND to help men in business understand the talent pool and the amazing benefits that women bring to their team. A balanced team drawing on the correct team dynamics is what sets extraordinary organisations apart from the ordinary.

Image from www.mindsetdaily.com 

6. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to achieve a goal? 

You have to be clear in your mind about what the driving force is behind why you want to achieve the goal. It is not enough to just be warm about something – you have to be hot for it. I thought it was just getting a job that was my motivator. It was only after getting very clear that I realised it was more than that – it really was the desire to share the knowledge about how awesome women are, and how profitable business can be if they tap into the natural talents of their people or bring balance to their team.

7. What are the next goals you hope to achieve? 

My book LIPSTICK & LEADERSHIP will be out soon, so I am hoping to get that into the hands of as many people as I can. I am looking forward to launching womenwhoinfluence.com, a website and video channel, where women come together and share their inspirational stories and support each other in a productive community. I have been asked by so many people to start holding training and workshops on finding their natural leadership style and leveraging that style for success, so I will launch lipstick wearing leaders college through leadershipheadquarters.com very soon.

Cheryl Daley, author of LIPSTICK & LEADERSHIP

Inspiring Women: Julie Rainbow, Clarity Road

Today is International Women’s Day, and to mark this special day we’ve compiled a series of blog posts celebrating the achievements of some remarkable Australian women. Often through adverse circumstances, these women have set goals that have lead to some extraordinary accomplishments. We look forward to sharing their journey with you…

Julie Rainbow is the Director and Founder of Clarity Road: an organisation dedicated to impacting the lives of women through realistic information, support and advice. Julie’s journey began with financial betrayal and a breakdown of trust in her relationship. However, this traumatic experience was the catalyst for the creation of her business, Clarity Road.



1. Tell us your story:

My name is Julie Rainbow and I live in Brisbane. In 2013, I achieved my goal of creating Clarity Road: an organisation dedicated to providing women with solutions for life changing events. But the idea for Clarity Road was triggered by my own life almost a decade ago.

Like many other women, I trusted my husband to manage our finances while I focused on my business and raising my young family. But life soon began to spiral out of control when I realised that my husband had been misrepresenting our financial position. There were multiple debts to members of my family, as well as a long list of lenders I had never met.
Needless to say, my children and I experienced a complete change of lifestyle after I kicked my husband to the curb. I declared bankruptcy, lost my award winning business and was hounded by debt collectors demanding that I pay back my ex’s debts. My self-esteem plummeted, and I found myself consumed by worry for my children’s future.

Refusing to let my ex-husband’s actions rule my life, I worked numerous jobs to educate and provide for my children. With unwavering support from my family and friends, I was able to rebound emotionally and financially. I am now very happily re-married, financially stable and have found fulfilment in my life. Through Clarity Road, I have achieved my goal of helping other women to do the same.

2. How did you identify the goal/s you wanted to achieve?

While experiencing my life changing events, I was continually frustrated by the separation of information I needed across different sources. For every question answered, it felt like two more arose. From this frustration, my idea for a one-stop-shop for everything to do with life changing events was born.

3. How did you work towards achieving your goal – did you have a plan and a deadline to achieve your goals?

Although I thought of Clarity Road years ago, it wasn’t until recently that I was equipped with the resources to make it a reality. In the meantime, it took an extraordinary amount of time and patience to establish the business. I researched extensively to construct a referral network of services for women and focused my attention on building an online database of information, support and advice. I was able to build from this to create workshop and mentoring programs, and to expand Clarity Road’s to reach as many women as possible.


4. What was the biggest challenge you encountered along the way?

Undoubtedly, budget has been the primary challenge in creating Clarity Road. Despite multiple investment offers, I have always maintained that I want Clarity Road to expand organically. But this can be easier said than done when the women I aim to help have little time or money to devote to themselves. Resisting the temptation to throw all of my energy into Clarity Road prematurely, I kept my day job and devoted hours to Clarity Road at night. I saved, I budgeted – and eventually it paid off. 

5. What inspires you and keeps you going when you encounter obstacles?

I reflect on my original inspiration for Clarity Road and remind myself that it is always darkest before the dawn. My family and friends have been unconditionally supportive of my goal to create Clarity Road. Whenever I feel deflated, they give me the confidence and motivation to push through and realise that tomorrow is a brand new day.

6. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to achieve a goal?

To take risks, believe in yourself and trust your instincts. In short, be fearless.

7. What are the next goals you hope to achieve?

My main focus for the future rests firmly upon helping as many women as possible by establishing a national presence for Clarity Road. By so doing I aim to encourage a community of women supporting women, and to bring awareness those who would otherwise slip through the cracks. 


Visit www.clarityroad.com.au for some great advice and options when dealing with traumatic situations such as separation and divorce, bankruptcy, problems with children and other domestic issues.

Quote of the Week: Bob Marley


“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around.

You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.

You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.

When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.

They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself.

Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.

There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around.

You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are.

The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever.

Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant.

Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all.

A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face.

In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby.

Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you.

You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon.

You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible.

You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you.

You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end.

Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” 

― Bob Marley

This quote was found on www.goodreads.com