Organising little things in your home can give you a huge boost. Vanessa Treverrow from Simply Decluttered shares some advice on a small area of the home you could tackle this week…
“The perfect organising solution is the one that works for you and your family. Let’s take the humble sock drawer. You may love the Marie Kondo style organisation of beautifully rolled socks graded from dark to light. Another person may love their socks in baskets according to type – sports socks, office socks and casual shoe socks. Or the Steve Jobs’ approach of every sock the same – very efficient and they never have to be paired again. Here’s a tip for parents: if you want your child or teenager to put away their own clothes and socks, make it possible for them. My own children each have their own style – and allowing them to go with what makes it easy for them to put away their own things. Less work for mum and dad and a calmer home for all. Enjoy!”
Decluttering is more than a buzz word – it’s making space for life.